Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Dead Turkey Day!

Alright, it's finally Dead Turkey Day! So I hope everyone enjoys that one outside of the game too. :P

Also, the week is going to be finished out with 2x Exp, because of all the technical errors caused to many users lately, such as people being wiped clean of all their items or something. So hurray for that, it's already jumped me to level 29, perhaps during the twelve hour period tomorrow, I'll reach Pagehood... ^_^

It also seems like there's an event that they're throwing out just to make people buy the NX gift cards to win prizes. There are only about 112 people that are going to win anything assuming people don't win multiple prizes, so I think those are pretty bad odds to make people think they'll win something. I'd definitely buy a ten dollar card if the odds were a bit better for something at least, I mean what is one person going to do with 500,000 maple points anyway? The laptop grand prize I understand though, but why are they giving something of that value away for spending, at the minimum, ten dollars? I don't see this backfiring for the company though, because they've already got an established consumer loyalty with those game cards, so I doubt someone is going to buy just one and end up winning something. Meh, I'll probably only end up buying one for a custom hairstyle or something so I can start looking a bit more unique--the default hairstyles are kinda lame, I mean, they don't even have a bald option...

Enjoy your Turkey, your 2x Exp, and five day weekend from school if you've got one!

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